Friday, May 15, 2009

Mammoth Lakes, Mini Swarm Heats Up

Mammoth Lakes...Mini Swarm Heats Up

In the May 1 issue my monthly Earth Changes "I Can Feel the Earth Move" article "Earthquake Swarms & Tornado Clusters " (submitted in early April) published in Oracle 20-20 magazine (online and in hard copy) included this quake forecast:

Like March, April-May may experience a quake swarm and/or a quake in historical spots known for quake swarms and moderate shakers, such as Mammoth Lakes, Calif., and Offshore Oregon/NorCal (Petrolia or Eurkea). I forecast a 5.0 to 6.0+ in one of these regions by June 1, 70% probability.

Currently, we've got a little swarm going on. And wasn't it swarming a bit earlier this month, too? (I mentioned this forecast also in my first post on this new blog.) I can't help forget the 1980 May swarm, especially between May 25-27. It was enough to get a rise out of the USGS, town, tourists, and Realtors. So, the question remains: Will this quake swarm fizzle or sizzle?

1 comment:

  1. Kerouac, my black cat was clingy this a.m. Sinus headache. Could be signs of Mammoth--if a strong enough eq would happen; or could be seasonal stuff. Cat? Affectionate because he is a cat. Or not.
