Saturday, May 16, 2009

Alaska 5.0+ EQ Prediction Came True

I've been tracking an AK eq swarm...The 3.0s, turned into 4.0s, 5.0s+ today. Definitely a "hit" for Alaska. And, possibly a major quake, may follow. I have a forecast for the West Coast (major quake to happen) on Predictions Forum at . Take a look at my forecast several days ago on this blog:

Friday, May 8, 2009

West Coast to Make Its Move
I'm sensing AK, WA, Offshore NorCal or the SF Bay Area down to Morgan Hill should shake--one of these regions--this month. A 5.0+ for AK and Offshore NorCal is not unusual. Tomorrow marks the day of the 5.2 Petrolia quake of May 9. 2007. But AK is getting lively with its 3.0s and recent 5.0s--(see link below) plus has a history of a major quake in 1986. Meanwhile, CA seems like it's in its seismic lull mode again which to me means it's similar to the "quite doggie syndrome." Trouble is brewing.
Posted by Cal Orey, Author-Intuitive at 9:26 AM 3 comments

2009 May 16 18:22:26 UTC

98 km (61 miles) SSE (157°) from Old Harbor, AK
110 km (68 miles) ESE (123°) from Akhiok, AK
139 km (86 miles) SSW (192°) from Chiniak, AK
560 km (348 miles) SSW (199°) from Anchorage, AK
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 17.4 km (10.8 miles); depth +/- 52.7 km (32.7 miles)
NST=112, Nph=112, Dmin=698.8 km, Rmss=1.91 sec, Gp=140°,M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=2
Alaska Earthquake Information CenterGeophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Event ID


  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Earthquake swarm hits Kodiak Island region

  2. Geez, your arm must really hurt from patting yourself on the back. I guess its worth it if you actually used your sensitive powers to actully save lives or something other than your claim to fame. Look how many people you could have saved with the italy quake alone. and then the air france, I think you claimed that too didnt you? Whats the point of all that patting? too make others believe what? for what good? Standing around saying "I told you so" does no good. I guess anyone could predict a quake every month until it hit and then claim it. Or EXTEND a two year old post until the odds hit in your favor and then post post post "Look what I can Do" For what good? I ask..a way for you to make a living..that's called a scam artist. a trick to get others to buy your books because they wouldnt sell otherwise. Read my book I have magic powers and oh..I know a geologist so I must know what I am talking about.

  3. my cat went potty and dogs are running like dogs today... watch out there is a quake brewing in Danville ca based on the location of the cat pee and due to the high energy of the locked up dogs I say a mag of 3.4 or 3.5
