Saturday, February 27, 2010

Predictors of Great Chile Quake/Tsunami(s)

By Cal Orey, Author-Intutive
Last night I was talking with Visionary Clarisa Bernhardt who has an awesome track record, from working with the U.S.G.S. to FBI. She also predicts quakes. In my book The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes, on page 252, she predicted the following:
"South America--While I don't see the Pacific Northwest getting hit with a tsunami, I think it's going to be more toward South America. A great quake in Chile 1960--yes, that could happen again anywhere from 2006 to 2020."
And so here we wait as we did back in 1960, when Chile was hit by a 9.5 and Hawaii was affected by a tsunami. Yes, history can and does repeat itself. And that's not all.
I, an intuitive, and many others on my web site have been having recent water/tsunami dreams reported on the Dreams and Visions Forum. This is not a coincidence. The same repetition of sensitives reporting water dreams occurred before the 2004, December 26, Indian Ocean Quake-Tsunami.
Also, Geologist Jim Berkland noted to me on the phone two days ago, that his primary seismic window with its Full Moon was on its way, February 28--and he predicted in his newsletter that a 7.0 could hit the Pacific Ring of Fire in the 8-day window. And so it (almost) did. He gave himself a 90% accurate rating for his prediction since the great quake (8.0+) hit one day before.
What's more, on Coast to Coast, January 1, Special Predictions, I did predict a 7.0 would hit Japan this year and may spawn a tsunami (there was a warning)--and now another warning for the big waves due to the great Chile earthquake. And I believe, as some others do, that this particular quake could have triggered the 8.8 earthquake that happened in the early hours this morning.
The bottom line: Teaming predictors, scientists, visionaries, and intuitives is a great way to forecast a great quake and/or tsunami warnings. So, as I sit on the edge of my waterbed and watch LIVE CNN to see the first wave (perhaps of many) to hit the Big Island is an amazing experience. Welcome, to the technology of the 21st century and people who sensed a great quake was in the work[s].

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Proof, Cal Orey's NorCal 6.5 Prediction--Spot On

By Cal Orey
On January 9, 2010 a 6.5 hit Offshore NorCal. I had predicted a quake of 6.0+ would hit near Eureka or Petrolia. This forecast was made on Coast to Coast (Jan. 1 Special Predictions); Oracle 20/20 magazine (Jan. 1 issue, online and hard copy); a wager with geologist Jim Berkland (he did send me the $100 check); and on my web site The Woman Who Predicts Earthquakes...But that's not all.
I just found this link [See the Question 5] that also confirms I held my ground for more than 3 years with the prediction--and I continued to say the next 6.0 in our Golden State would happen right where it did. So there you go.
This strong quake was felt by residents throughout Northern California. There was some damage, some injuries--but California got through this shaker which could have wreaked so much more havoc than it did. And I am thankful for that.
One more thing: Can Earthquakes Be Predicted? [see end of article about my NorCal bullseye quake "hit" noted in] Yes, I do believe some--not all--earthquakes can be predicted but short seismic windows are a challenge unless there is a lot of data. Plus teaming scientific cues with an intuitive's tools (images, dreams, body signs, etc.) can help one sense an oncoming shaker before it hits.