Monday, July 13, 2009

NorCal 4.0-50+ Shaker Now-July 31

Offshore NorCal (Petrolia or Eureka; Crescent City possible epis)
SF Bay Area (East Bay or South Bay possible epis)
based on AWOL dogs 33/28; 8 cats
Recent minor quakes Offshore NorCal and overdue due to seismic lull
60% percent probability
long left ear tones (usually good for SF and Offshore NorCal)
The Geysers/Pinnacles ping pong--in the middle a quake often occurs during this period
Solar eclipse/erratic tides during Jim Berkland's seismic window but could hit before

1 comment:

  1. Didn't happen. Micros in the SF Bay area and an increase in AWOL pets. But no significant quake.
